Sunday, January 27, 2013

Operation: Organize the Kitchen

Yesterday Easton and I went over to our friends Whitney and Landon's house. She and I got to talking about meal planning and organizing. While I was their she inspired me to get more organized! (This is one of my resolutions this year) I have an organized/creative personality but I feel like a lot of times my house doesn't reflect that. So I tackled the kitchen today... I figured I'd take baby steps and do one room at a time.
I tried to organize them to where we could utilize them more than what we already were. Now I didn't take any "before" pictures only because I was super embarrassed at how they looked.
One one cabinet I have most of my electronics (crockpots, food saver, blender, George Foreman) and I also put Easton's snack bin down there too. The snack bin used to be on the counter but I would have to pick Easton up and let him stand on the counter to pick out a snack, so now he can get them himself much easier than before.
In cabinet 2 is pretty much like a pantry. It holds stuff like canned foods,drink mixes, noodles, sides, and baking stuff.
In cabinet 3 are my plates, bowls, cookbooks, and mixing bowls. This used to hold my storage containers and baking dishes.
In cabinet 4 are now my storage containers, baking dishes, toaster/convection oven, and lunch boxes.
In cabinet 5 are my glass drinking glasses and coffee mugs.
In cabinet 6 is our HUGE collection of plastic drinking cups... Don't judge;)

And last but not least a final pic of my clean and no longer cluttered countertops.

One room down... Lots more to go!

A New Recipe: Cracker Barrel Chicken Tenderloins

I found a recipe on Pinterest that sounded super yummy. It is the "copycat" version of the Cracker Barrel Chicken Tenderloins. I tried them last night and they didn't let me down. Very yummy! The recipe and pics are below:

Cracker Barrel Chicken Tenderloins

1 package boneless chicken tenderloins
1-8oz container Italian dressing (or 1cup)
2 tbsp. lime juice
4 tbsp. honey

In a ziplock bag add all ingredients. Mix together well and let marinate for 1 hour in the fridge. In a large skillet add the ENTIRE mixture from the bag. (It looks like a lot of liquid at first but once it's complete it is just the right amount of sticky yumminess) let the chicken brown and simmer for about 30 minutes. And viola!

I served it with dirty rice:)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hello 2013!

I have once again been absent from blogging! I've got to get better at this!! It is a nice scrapbook, but it'd be better if I would stay more consistent too! So I am working on that;)
Easton received lots of Thomas the train toys for Christmas this year and not a day goes by without him dragging them all over the house! His favorite spot to set up shop is the coffee table of course... I mean where else could be better?
Also a few weeks ago we celebrated Alabama's 15th National Championship!! Roll Tide! So that day at work I got to wear my new Bama scarf my mom bought me for Christmas :)
We took Easton to the ENT last week because he had gotten a really bad ear infection and since he has had so many episodes with strep the doctor decided that he needed to have his tonsils and adenoids removed next month :( I'm nervous anytime my baby has to be put to sleep but I know he will be just fine and hopefully he won't be as sick as he has been the past couple of years.
So here's to a new year full of opportunities and memories!