Sunday, January 26, 2014

Scaling Back

In keeping with New Years resolution traditions, I would like to shed several pounds... Story of my life...
 The state of Alabama has been doing a program called "Scale Back Alabama"... My job is doing essentially the same thing but it's for only people employed there. 
Really the goal is to lose at least 10 lbs in 10 weeks. Sounds easy enough right? Well we will see! 
Yesterday Easton went and played at a friends house and I got a little bit of mommy time to myself! I went to a few stores but I scored BIG at Hazels right off the square. I got a new pair of stud earrings and a new phone case + had it monogrammed all for $29!! What a deal! 
( this of course isn't mine BUT mine will look all pretty like this once it's done being monogrammed) I got this off Hazels Instagram. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014


So one of my New Years resolutions is to blog more... I get wrapped up in reading everyone'a blogs and forget about my own... I'm gunna give it my best shot :) 

I wanted to share some photos from my phone to kind of catch up... Sorry on advance for lots-o-pics!!! 
We went to the Luke Bryan Farm Tour in Opelika, AL. He is amazing to watch perform. Period.
Had friends from Louisiana visit and went to Dream Field Farms. These boys are inseparable!
Charlie did some duck hunting
Went to the Alabama vs Auburn game... Awesome game, hated the outcome... This last picture I took was right before the infamous1 second was put back on the clock and Auburn return a kick for a touchdown... Grrrrr! Oh well can't win them all.
Santa was good to Easton... He got lots of trains, a train table, and hot wheels tracks.
And last but not least my little man is growing up so quickly!!! Slow down!!!!

I'm looking forward to a new year bc last year was rough for me. I've got a big smile and lots of hope and faith that it will be a great year!!