1. What part of the state do you call home?
I currently live in Troy, Alabama. I grew up in Alabaster, Alabama (20 minutes south of Birmingham) and went to college in Troy. I met Charlie and never left :)
2. How long have you been blogging?
I beleive it was 2009 that I started my own blog. I have read others for many years, but I created mine the year my munchkin was born.
3. Why did you start blogging?
I did it as a kind of scrapbook. I have been kind of lazy with it here and there, but I try to fill in the blanks as much as I can.
4. What is your favorite part of being a member of the Alabama Women Bloggers community?
I recently joined because I loved the idea of fellow ladies like myself interested in blogging their lives. Whatever the reason may have been for them starting their blogs, it's nice to relate to them at least demographically if nothing else :)
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I would love to have at least one more child, be better financially stable, my husband get into a career field that he loves, myself to have a promotion, be a cool little league mom :) I would also love for my husband and I to be able to prvide our family with a yearly fun family vacation!!
6. If you could choose an actress to play you in your life, who would you choose and why?
Ummm, I would love for Camilla Alves or Jenna Dewan Tatum to play me...only b/c I would be married to Matthew McCaunaghey or Channing Tatum! haha! I kid. I kid.
In all serious probably Ginnifer Goodwin b/c I think she's a timeless classic beauty. She also comes off as a sweet kind person with a good head on her shoulders!
7. Name 5 things on your Bucket List that you hope you’ll check off before you die?
Compete in BBQ competitions (my plan once I retire)
Go to an exotic island like Bora Bora and stay in a cool hut on the water
See my Easton go to school at the University of Alabama (playing football or baseball hopefully) Roll Tide!
Swim with dolphins
Win the lottery!- yea right!
8. If you could be known for one thing, what would it be and why?
I am trustworthy and loyal! I know that's two- but they go hand in hand!
9. Describe the best moment in your life.
The day my little man was born and I had my loving husband by my side. Scary time but filled with so much joy!
10. If you could “be” anything (no consequences, no fear), what would you “be”?
I would love to be a chef! I love food....OBVIOUSLY.... but I really enjoy cooking too!
11. What or who inspires you to blog?
My family and friends
12. We’re headed to your neck of the woods… what restaurant would you recommend?
In Troy, I'd go to the Half Shell or Monarcas. Troy has more fast food than good restraunts... In Dothan (45 min south) I love La Parilla -TO DIE FOR! or Red Elephant. In Montgomery (45 min north) I like Wintzell's Oyster House downtown!- YUM!
13. What’s a southern tradition you and your family have?
We LIVE for football season! SEC all the way! We are die hard Alabama fans and can't get enough of it! We hunt, fish, and ride 4 wheelers. I love to cook...with butter...and lots of it! Hello Paula Deen!...LOVE her by the way! :)
14. If you could pick your favorite blog post from your blog this year, what would it be?
Probably one of the last ones about Summertime-b/c it was full of pictures and that's probably why...I've got to be better about posting!!
15. We all love social media, tell us your links so we can follow you!
I'm on Facebook- Look me up "Kathryn Wilkes Faircloth"