I tell you, it just seems to be whenever bad news comes our way that it comes in tsunami size waves!! I received our electric bill the other day and to my surprise it was $499.51!! That is a $260.00 increase from the last month! I have called out there too see if they would come to check our meter, incase there is a problem with it, but of course I was told to read my meter everyday at the same time each day and call her back in 5 days and by hearing what kilowatts we use daily she could tell us if there was a problem with it... I guess I was just under the impression that our tax dollars and fees that we pay to this company monthly was to pay our bill, and to service their customers when they need their help, but I guess not, it sounds like it is paying them to just sit on their tails and tick off their customers.
Also, my husband truck is messing up once again, and apparently he needs a new radiator! The estimate was around $450.00 parts, labor, and all...but goodness gracious! I must not have found this money tree that is planted in our backyard. A tax refund couldn't come soon enough:(, but I guess I will just have to wait it out for just a few more months.
On a better note, I am SUPER excited about the National Championship game tonight!! ROLLLLLLLLLLLL TIIIIIIDDDDEEEEEEEEEEE ROLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!
Did you catch that I am a HUGE Bama fan? :)